A statement from the Bureau of Motor Vehicle, BMV said that
“the driver simulators will provide a pretest assessment at the BMV Driver
Examination stations by testing applicants on their ability to appropriately
respond to routine traffic stops, traffic lights, emergency vehicles, stop
signs, railroad crossing, cross walks and school zones.
As part of the Drive Toward a Safer Ohio initiative, the
Ohio Department of Public Safety (ODPS) has partnered with the Children’s’
Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) and the Ohio State University (OSU) to develop
a PDSS to assess driving skills of new drivers before they test for their
permanent Ohio driver license.
It noted that “the assessment score will not affect the
ability to obtain a driver’s license, but will only serve as diagnostic data
for the BMV and CHOP during the pilot program.”
“A first time driver can cause injury to themselves,
driver examiners, and other motorists, along with property damage to their
vehicles and other vehicles,” said Don Petit, Registrar of the Ohio Bureau of
Motor Vehicles (BMV).
“It is the intent
to use these simulators as safety screeners emulating ‘real driving’ conditions
for first time driver testers before they proceed with the maneuverability and
skill testing.”
The software is designed so that each driving scenario is
randomized to avoid predicting the course layout or the order of the assessment
“The core of the software is over two decades of CHOP
research that resulted in a scientifically validated drive that can assess driver
performance in situations known to be critical to safety,” says Dr. Flaura
Winston, MD, PhD, Scientific Director of CHOP’s Center for Injury Research and
Prevention and the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Distinguished Chair in
the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Pennsylvania.
“What the Ohio customer will experience is the result of
a dedicated collaboration to translate this science to the real world testing
environment that included scientists, technologists and subject matter experts
from CHOP, OSU, Diagnostic Driving, Inc. ODPS. This process produced a
world-class, yet practical and tangible service for Ohio that we hope will help
them realize safer roads. We are honored and excited to be part of this
ground-breaking pilot.”
A pilot program has been implemented at the BMV driver
examination station located at 990 Morse Road, Columbus, Ohio. The PDSS will also be available for public
demonstration and use at the ODPS booth at the Ohio State Fair running from
July 26 to August 6, 2017.
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